St Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle
In this course/module, we shall explore the work of St Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle. We shall learn about the various stages of prayer, and consider the distinction between ascetical and mystical prayer; the distinction between active prayer and passive prayer, as well as the transition from one to the other. We will also learn to recognise the signs of true growth in holiness, and consider important principles of spiritual direction.
This course runs for 16 weeks, 32 hours of teaching in total. We meet on Thursday mornings and Thursday evening. The evening is a repeat of the morning session so you can choose each week which time suits you best. Come in the morning or the evening, or if it helps your learning experience come to both! (at no extra cost)
Studying for Personal Enrichment
Claritas Spiritual Theology welcomes students to attend this course for personal enrichment, but without the pressure of assignments.
Course date: TBD